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Monthly Archives: December 2019

Digital Resources for Expedition Dudetrek


 Baja Books:

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2020 Dudetrek Gear Shake-Down

Tis the season to see what i have in my backpack, what i can rid of, which pieces of gear need some new seam sealer or dental floss stitching, and how it’s all going to fit when I try to repack it! In this post, I run through my entire gear list, starting with everything laid out in the systems I use to organize everything into my pack (sleep system, clothing, food and water, etc.) then break down each specific componenent of the systems (tarp, guylines, stakes, etc.). This year looks like a combination of new school and old school: multisport, ultralight, modular, long-term, front and backcountry backpacking.… Read more

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DIY PFD, Desalination Bottle, and Rain Skirt

This week I worked on some DIY gear projects: an ultralight life jacket or PFD (personal flotation device), a desalinating water bottle to turn sea water into fresh water while I walk along some of the remote coastlines of the Baja Peninsula in Mexico, and an ultralight rain skirt that can also function as a small tarp. I’ve learned how to use a sewing machine, practiced using the desalination bottle with my backpacking stove, and eliminated a few ounces from my clothing setup by switching from rain pants to a rain skirt. Here’s my run-down of each project


The impetus for making my own life jacket comes from my experience as a packrafter.… Read more

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