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Expedition Dudetrek

On December 31st, New Years Eve 2019-2020, I arrived in San Jose Del Cabo at the southern tip of the Baja Peninsula in Mexico to begin a 55,000(ish) mile journey and ethnoecological survey of the places we call home- that is to say, I’m going to hike and paddle in an extremely zig-zaggy fashion from Baja to Newfoundland to ask the following questions of every one in every place-


  • How does the local environment shape people? (Their jobs, history, characters, history, art, politics)

  • How do local people shape their environment? (Flora, fauna, soil, freshwater and saltwater, atmosphere, rocks and minerals)
  • What are the relationships people have with plants and animals and nonliving resources (for natural resources, tourism, folklore, medicine, food, water, shelter, clothing)

Follow me With Live GPS

[mactrak_map width=’100%’ height=’400px’ delay_hours=0]

Follow this link to see the last 4 weeks of updates through my SPOT GPS receiver


Donate to my GoFundMe page, through Paypal, or Venmo!

All of the content I share will always be free, and it takes a lot of work and money in gear costs and internet access. So if you enjoy the content on, join the Dudetrek network and throw me a bone so I can keep sharing this stuff for free to everyone!


Use the menu bar to scroll through every page and post ever put up on For mobile users, I recommend switching to a Desktop view on your browser, or just making sure to scroll all the way to the bottom of the page on every post to see what content exists in the sidebar of the website. Chevk out my social media links in the menu bar (at the bottom for mobile users), sign up for the email list (scroll to the bottom of the page for mobile users), and feel free to contact me directly at, or share your questions and comments in the comments section at the bottom of every page/post



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