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Digital Resources for Expedition Dudetrek

Posted by on December 29, 2019


 Baja Books:


General Field Guides


Bushcraft/”Primitive” Skills Books


Spanish Books:

Naturalist Apps:

  • GaiaGPS: With the ESRI Satellite and INEGI topographical maps pre-downloaded for the entire peninsula, plus the premium subscription for extra map overlays like NatGeo maps.
  • EBird: From th Cornell Lab of Ornithology. For recording bird sightings.
  • Merlin: From the Cornell Lab of Ornithology. For identifying birds
  • Audubon: From the National Audubon Society. Digital Field Guide App
  • iNaturalist: For general species observation recording, identification, and information
  • LifeMap: Visual representation of the tree of life with wiki pages for the varius kingdoms, phylums, species, etc. Only works online
  • Rockd: Geology app showing surface layers, faults, etc. with citations
  • Star Walk 2: Star gazing app.

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