- Pre-trip food pack
- Loaded KLR
- Twin Corral Box Canyon Sunset
- Frost on my guitar in the morning
- Henry Mountains
- Western Scrub Jay
- Western Scrub Jay Takes Flight
- Horseshoe Canyon Entrance
- Heavy Pack Selfie
- Unconformity in the Kayenta Formation
- Top of Horseshoe Canyon
- Burro Skeleton in the Wash
- Slotty Erosion in the Wash
- Cowboy camp selfie
- Cowboy camp
- Wingate Sandstone
- Burro
- Burro
- Frozen Spring
- Frozen Spring
- Unmarked Archaic Pictographs
- Unmarked Archaic Pictographs
- Cross Stratification
- Water in the Wash
- Burros
- Cowboy Camp at the Confluence of Blue John Canyon
- Mule Deer Doe
- Mule Deer Doe
- Mule Deer Buck
- Mule Deer Buck
- Mule Deer Bucks
- Mule Deer
- Mule Deer Buck
- Mule Deer Buck
- Barrier Creek in Canyonlands National Park
- Fremont Barberry/ Mahonia
- Fremont Barberry/ Mahonia
- Biological Soil Crust with Cyanobacteria and Short Twisted Moss
- Biological Soil Crust with Cyanobacteria and Short Twisted Moss
- Biological Soil Crust Social/Deer Trail
- Cyanobacteria Frost Heaving in Biological Soil Crust
- Rabbitbrush
- Threadleaf Groundsel
- Threadleaf Groundsel
- Winterfat
- Winterfat
- Wind Blown Sand
- Canyon Grape
- Canyon Grape
- Sharp Shinned Hawk
- Riparian Zone
- Biological Soil Crust with Short-Twisted Moss, Southwestern Greenshield, Brown Rock Posy, Olive Earth Lichen, and Desert Brain Lichen
- Mormon Tea
- Common Reed
- Young Yucca
- Waterfall in Barrier Creek
- Common Laccaria
- Common Laccaria
- Seeping Spring
- Pentstemon
- Pockmark Erosion
- Scarlet Gilia
- Campfire
- Campfire Selfie
- Rock Overhang in Barrier Creek
- Biological Soil Crust
- Biological Soil Crust
- Dark Eyed Junco
- Dark Eyed Junco
- Dark Eyed Junco
- Lower Horseshoe Canyon
- Frozen Wash
- Petroglyphs by the Green River
- Tarp Campfire
- Angel Trail Panorama
- High Spur Road
- La Sal Mountains Overlook from the High Spur
- White Tailed Antelope Squirrel
- White Tailed Antelope Squirrel
- White Tailed Antelope Squirrel
- White Tailed Antelope Squirrel
- La Sal Mountains Overlook from the High Spur
- Henry Mountains
- Snowy Twin Corral Box Canyon
- Horseshoe Canyon Overlook Panorama
- High Spur Panorama
- High Spur Panorama
- Frozen Spring Waterfall Panorama
- Sandy Wash Panorama
- Biological Soil Crust and Debris Flow Panorama
- Bedrock Wash
- Great Gallery Pictograph Panel
- Bouldery Wash