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Appalachian Trail Summary

Posted by on September 6, 2016

So I didn’t blog while on the Appalachian Trail. Call me a hipster but everyone does it, and I was sort of sick of blogging and distracted by living in the moment. Every day was so much fun, and I didn’t want to leave that fun for even a second, even to retreat for a quick journal entry or blog post. SO, if you’d like to know about my personal adventure, you’ll have to be content with the photos and videos I have uploaded.

For those of you looking for advice on hiking the Appalachian Trail, gear reviews, or actual blog posts, I recommend some of the following blogs and websites, some of which I used in preparation for my hike, and some of which are blogs of people I hiked with along the AT. Enjoy!


Yoseki Skywalker’s Blog

Lt. Dan’s Blog

1Step’s Blog

French Press’s Blog

Appalachian Trail Conservancy

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