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Monthly Archives: September 2016

Canyonlands NP, Needles District


In mid-April of 2016, I left my job as a retail salesman at Big Sky Ski Resort in Southwest Montana to move to Moab, Utah for the summer to work as a whitewater raft guide on the Colorado River. But my rafting gig didn’t start until May 15th, giving me time to explore before I hit the river. I decided to spend some of that time hiking to and through the Needle District of Canyonlands National Park. In total, I hiked 140 miles from Moab, down the Kane Creek Road, and along the trails within the Needles District. Here are some snippets from my journal entries and some of the pictures from my adventure!… Read more

Categories: Moab, UT 2016 | Leave a comment

Appalachian Trail Summary

So I didn’t blog while on the Appalachian Trail. Call me a hipster but everyone does it, and I was sort of sick of blogging and distracted by living in the moment. Every day was so much fun, and I didn’t want to leave that fun for even a second, even to retreat for a quick journal entry or blog post. SO, if you’d like to know about my personal adventure, you’ll have to be content with the photos and videos I have uploaded.

For those of you looking for advice on hiking the Appalachian Trail, gear reviews, or actual blog posts, I recommend some of the following blogs and websites, some of which I used in preparation for my hike, and some of which are blogs of people I hiked with along the AT.… Read more

Categories: Appalachian Trail 2015 | 1 Comment

Florida Trail (Extended): Days 40-71

It’s been more than a year since I finished the Florida Trail, and I still dream about it often. The palmettos, the sand pines, air plants, mangroves, palm trees, azaleas, and mossy oaks; the armadillos, wild hogs, fox squirrels, and raccoons; alligators, green and brown anoles, fence lizards, water moccasins, garter snakes, pigmy rattlers, leopard frogs, fowlers toads, box turtles; the anhingas, pelicans, wood storks, sandhill cranes, Florida scrub jays, limpkins, spoonbills, barred owls, bald eagles, turkeys, snowy egrets, blue and white herons, and red bellied woodpeckers… just to name a few. The diversity and abundance of life on the Florida Trail is just incredible.… Read more

Categories: Florida National Scenic Trail, Florida Trail 2015 | Leave a comment